Message of The Quran Vol 1 - The Thematic Exegesis of the Noble Quran
This work Message of the Quran introduces new style of exegesis of the Noble Quran to the English sp..
MIND MAPS - GCSE Religious Studies AQA Unit 8&9 ISLAM
Useful learning tool providing summary of the key points of learning and effective way fo..
Mukhtar - Shuja Aliyelipiza Kisasi dhidi ya wauaji wa Imam Husain (AS) hapo Karbala (61-67AH) - Kiswahili Language
Mukhtar al Thaaqafi aliyelipa kisasi kwa kupigana na kuwaua wale vinara wote walioshiriki katika mau..
Muslim Scholars View on Education
Muslim Scholars' View on Education Various Muslim Scholars views on Education whose t..
My Book about Imam Ali (as)
The beautiful children book that sheds light on the noble attributes of our First Imam (as’) and imp..
My First Book of Faith
This book gives a basic information of Islam to Muslim children.. Young minds can grasp an overview ..
My Muharram Book
'My Muharram Book' is attractive, colourful and well-illustrated. It is aimed at children around 3 y..
My Muharram Book (EPUB and MOBI)
'My Muharram Book' is attractive, colourful and well-illustrated. It is aimed at children around 3 y..
Nahjul Balagha: Aaina Hayat Wa Qayadat Aur Ek Mutawazin Zindagi Ka Lazawal Manshur - Urdu - Downloadable Version (EPUB and PDF)
This book is in URDU language.The World Federation is honoured to present the book, "Exploring Nahju..
Nahjul Balagha: Essais d’éloquence sur la Voie de l’Éloquence - French - Downloadable Version (EPUB and PDF)
"The World Federation of KSIMC" a l'honneur de présenter le livre "Essais d’éloquence sur la Voie de..
Nauki islamu szyickiego (Polish Language)
Praca zbiorowa na temat różnych aspektów szkoły szyickiej w islamie. A compilation of..
Nawrócony w drodze (Polish Language)
Opis osobistej podróży duchowej z sunnizmu do szyizmu. A personal account of a spiritual journey..
Perspectives on Islamic Faith and History - A Collection of Analytical Essays - Downloadable Version (EPUB and MOBI)
The message of Islam is thus truly inspiring but, unfortunately, that message has been lost to the p..
Prescriptions for Physicians - An Islamic Perspective
The physician engages in an occupation that always avails him with opportunities of serving his fell..